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SaladeNaishen is a branch of SalaDegal that is made for all of you people who want to join a different religion, but want to have some of the same christian beliefs that you cannot have in other religions

The basic stuff about SalaDeNaishen is that it's a breakoff from SalaDegal with christain views and beliefs.

The things that are simialar are:

ONE GOD- Instead of the name "god" you can just call him Lor Galdan. He is much like the christain/jewish god, but he does NOT believe that if you do not worship him you should go to hell. (Which in the SalaDegal views is a very cold planet with the most unadvanced humanoid creatures in the universe, and you go there if you are bad.) he also does'nt care if you worship him, he is just the owner of the "antfarm."

JESUS- There is a person like Jesus in SalaDegal. his name was Kanda. He was the first person to be enlightened about SalaDegal about 11,000 years ago (which actually is more than that, since it is based on an old calendar based on the tides in brazil) so it may have been a million years ago (but i doubt it's been quite THAT long.)Kanda took on ten deciples which went all over the country (which was called alsimbar) and taught the religion untill about 60% of the people became part of it, (then those ten died.) Kanda is now not a very big part of the religion, but if he would have been a little nicer to his friends (:P) he probably would have been known like Jesus is to christains.

HEAVEN AND HELL- In SalaDeNaishen, there is a kind of Heaven and Hell but they are VERY different,
1) heaven is called nibana (It is named after the hindu/buddist nirvana) and it is the planet that you go to when you die if you are VERY GOOD, (you cannot purposely kill ANYTHING unless it will kill you if you don't )
2)Hell is called "HEL" (its the same!)but the big difference is that it is NOT HOT! it is the COLDEST liveable planet in the universe, it can get down to -295°C(-500°F)in the winter, and -255°c (-418°F)in the summer. the only reason they live, is because the water there is made from 3 strange elements that make it freeze and boil at very extreme temperatures. and this is a place that you go to if you are EXTREMELY bad,
(I dont know why that "A" thing is there, it doesnt go away, just pretend it isn't there)

NIBANA: you MUST NOT kill any of these 3 creatures:
1)ANTS-because these are the favorite creature of Lor Galdan.
2)ELEPHANTS- because these are the "HOLIEST" animals in the world BR>3)COBRAS- because these are the creatures that are the closest resemblance to Galdan.
THE ONLY reason that you should kill any of these are if it will kill you if you do not. this EXCLUDES the elephant. these, under ANY circumstance CAN NOT be killed, unless it is in the best interest of the elephant or any more than two other elephants.
HEL: to get here, you must be VERY BAD! to get here, you must kill hundreds of cobras, exterminate millions of ants AND kill TEN elephants. or destroy ANY healthy species (spiders, bats, humans, deer ETC)
CHURCH: You do not have to go to any church or any religious place (unless you want to.) for any reason except for the "Firi Begaltisha" or "Ring Blessing" where you bless your "irif" and turn it into a "Firi" which is your religious article (like in muslim, there is the turban.)
----------------------------------------------------------BASIC STUFF------------------------------------------------
All you do is go around saying that your religion is SalaDegal, showing off your Firi (WITHOUT LETTING ANYBODY WITHOUT A FIRI TOUCH YOURS) and you must, at ALL TIMES (except for showers/baths, or other reasons where they will get touched, stolen, or broken,) wear your Firi and/or Neri. and you should not (this DOES NOT mean you CANNOT) go to a christain church without a symbol of SalaDegal, an Anti-Christain symbol, or intentions to converting them to SalaDegal, or are forced against your will. again, this DOES NOT mean you CANNOT

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This is the SaladeNaishen donkey (i know it sounds stupid, but it has a special purpose which i will explain later in the site)
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this, again is the SalaDegal symbol and in the writing it says saladegal
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this is a picture of a mountain, it is the custom picture of this, and i dont have another picture yet, so im keeping this