Keep in mind that this is the saladekishen version, there are two more which are similiar
Omal suda & Lor Galdan
In the beginning of time, 45 billion years ago, the 5 elements, Water, Fire, Life, Material, and Spirit had finally
come together to form the universe. The first planet made was formed by Lord Gildres, He
first created the messenger of earth and mars, Omal Suda. Then Lor Gildres created the
planets, 13 all together, the one He decided to inhabit was Mars. He summoned the
elementals of Water, Fire, Life, Material and Spirit. He then created the lakes, then the
mountains, then finaly, the life. The life was simple, as it was the first life that was ever
created. The two creatures he favored the most in his world were Ants and Snakes. He
Then decided to make a son to create a neighbor to the planet. So he created the planet
Earth. He formed his son, the future creator of earth, in the shape of His Favorite Creature,
The Cobra. He then fertilized the Earth. The first Creatures he made were the Ants, the Ant-
Eaters, the Fungus and, the Cobras. They prospered. Then Lord Galdan got bored of His
simple world, so He asked Lord Dgehoba to create the first very intelligent creatures, he
HAN. The HAN lived by eating the Ant-Eaters and Cobras, Lord Galdan did not like this, so
he created the Lions and the Pigs. The HAN thrived. The HAN then grew very advanced.
They had Discovered that they can make electricity out if atoms, then out of lightning. They
then found a way to transport themselves and other things to places at very high speeds.
Then one day, the HAN created vehicles to attempt to visit the Gods in Nirbana. Lord Shiba
did not like this, so he then created a violent Flood on earth and destroyed everything, and
the HAN fled to a neighboring Solar System. Then with the Master Race of Earth wiped out,
Lord Galdan had time to improve the current life that survived, and create new life for the
planet. There were no more master Races in this era of Earth, because when There was
hundreds of species, a virus wiped out the planet of 45% of all life. Lord Galdan was very
sad that his planet was so unsuccessful, because it seemed every day Earth was wiped
out. So He asked His father Lord Gildres for help because His planet was wonderful. So,
Lord Gildres said to Lord Galdan said, "You must have a divine creature to lead, also, you
must have enemies for that creature, and have the creature enemies for something else."
Lord Galdan thought about this for years. Then, in about 15 billion years, Lord galdan had
made the largest, most monestrous creatures the universe has ever seen. He made
creatures, like the Tyrannosaurs Rex, who was then the largest creature in the universe,
and they all had a very well balanced Food chain and thrived for 400 million years without
any trouble. Then, when Omal Tsuda, of another solar system saw this, She got jealous of
Lord Galdan's and Gildres's Solar System and sent a barrage of comets from a nearby
system in creation over to there, 95% landed and stayed in orbit around Jupiter, and 4.5%
landed on mars, and Lord Gildres ordered the Humans on Mars to take as many plants and
animals as they could, and flee to the Kolas system with the HAN. The commets then
Impacted mars so hard, that they created Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Canyons. Then
about 100 years later, the Volcanoes erupted and covered up all traces that life has ever
been there. Lord Gildres then got very angry, and left to See Omal Tsuda. He then found
her, and then he exploded and killed himself, Omal Tsuda, and shook the entire universe.
The shake loosened a comet as big as mars, and sent it strait to Earth. The impact of the
colossal comet to the earth did massive damage, causing a 50% loss of life on earth.
And Lord galdan became very mad.
Galdan Lans<
Lord Galdan did eventually rebuild earth after 100 million years and then after remembering
His Father's advice, and with the help of lord dgehoba, decided to make a creature that will
be at the top of the food chain, because it is so advanced, and soon will reach other
systems and discover the HANs and other humans. Unless they destroy themselves by the
war in the year 14SDSM. In southern America, 22 thousand BC, The first intelligent Human
Beings emerged again on earth. They were very primitive beings, but were the smartest
creatures in the solar system. They had a government, a few towns made of clay and
adobe, boats for fishing, and tools for hunting and building. They had the religion of
SalDegal. They had Large majestic places of worship, and focused their entire living on
this religion. then, after 60 years of this culture and religion, they created an advanced
written language and made a holy book, they called it "Omap Nur SalDegal" They then
preached this throughout the land, They called their country "Galdan Lans" They thrived
hundreds of years, then, Lord Shiba said,"the world is too young for this great civilization."
Then, a great flood destroyed the land and the only survivors were the 45 humans who went
on boats to north america. all but two made it, they brought with them holy books, tablets
of their religion, food, drink, and building plans. these two found a great garden. full of
corn, tomatoes, rice, and other foods. they then lived there for 5 years and had a family.
Mosal, the husband, went out to get meat for his family one day, and killed a small elephant
and brought it back. Lord Chefos got very angry, because he has killed the holiest of
creatures. That night, Lord Chefos asked Lord Regen to do something to punish them for
their wrongdoing. So, That night, Lord Regen turned their campfire against them and
destroyed their crops, and their shelter and all they had left was the desert. The next day,
they had wandered around to try to find water and shelter. But, they all died, that is, except
for lasom, the wife of mosal. she then found a group of other people and spent the night. in
the morning, none of them awakened.
email me what you think